By sharing images, activities, news releases, stories and/or use of the hashtags: #GreatKindnessChallenge, #KindCoins, #GKCFamily, #KidsForPeace, a non-exclusive right and permission is hereby granted to Kids for Peace, Inc. and those acting on its behalf to use your name/school name and to quote, edit, print, publish and otherwise use all or part of your submission as well as photographs, audio, and video, in whole or in part, in any and all media or format in connection with fundraising, advertising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the organization’s aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications as well as by our partners and sponsors.
Further, Kids for Peace, Inc. is hereby authorized to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos and submissions for any lawful purpose. Any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo(s) are waived.